Element Hiding Helper

Deprecated since ABP 3.0. Although it might still work with some extensions, it could become obsolete at any time.

General notes

Element Hiding Helper is a companion extension for Adblock Plus meant to make creating element hiding rules easier. You simply select the element you want to be hidden and then choose which attributes of this element should be taken into account when hiding it in future. The element hiding rule is generated and added automatically. Parts of the code are based on the Aardvark extension.

Element Hiding Helper requires the same browser version as Adblock Plus. Adblock Plus 1.3 or higher is required, this extension will not do anything on its own.


Install Element Hiding Helper

Using Element Hiding Helper

You start Element Hiding Helper by going into the menu of ABP's toolbar icon and selecting "Select element to hide".

Now you can select the element you want to hide with the mouse. If you need to hide more than one element, try pressing W. Pressing N will make the selection smaller again. Other commands offered in the help might be useful as well to make sure you select exactly what you need to hide.

Once you clicked the element to indicate that you are finished selecting, the rule composition dialog will pop up. Now you can select on which domain the rule should be active and which attributes of the element it should take into account (if the attributes you select are too common you might end up hiding useful elements as well). Preview will apply the resulting rule immediately to show you what the page will look like. If you want to create more advanced rules, you can switch to Advanced mode. Finally a click on "Add filter rule" will add the rule to your list of Adblock Plus filters and apply it to the current page.